Small Business 102: The Tale of Two Colombian Entrepreneurs Continues to Unfold

Ana Maria and Paula were millionaires. Make that multi-millionaires. Thanks to their co-owned venture, Fashion Runway, they held more Micros than anyone in their Pre-K through Grade 12MicroSociety. It was quite possible that they held more Micros than any citizen in any MicroSociety ever had. Which was enough to paint smug smiles on their faces. As their fellow […]

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One Small Step

He saved their school. Single-handedly…well with four paws to be precise. Niko, a German Shepherd member of the McHenry County police force, took down a weekend would-be burglar. On Monday, theMicroSociety citizens and their facilitators gathered for a Town Hall meeting to address their incident-related concerns. And separate fact from fiction. Some of them had seen […]

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