“This model is revolutionary, phenomenal and truly on the cutting edge.”
Reviewer, National Blue Ribbon Schools
Alumni Stories
A Googler, a salesperson, a firefighter, a politician. Our Alumni Stories series offers windows into the lives of MicroSociety graduates now pursuing an array of careers. Their stories reveal the profound and lasting impact of the MicroSociety experience.
MicroSociety 2.0 Impact at PHCSE (2023-24 and 2022-23) by Steve Kramer, 21PSTEM (2024):
Evaluation at Penn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship in Pittsburgh
Key findings include:
MicroSociety 2.0 had a meaningful positive impact on student engagement, social-emotional skills, and reading achievement, and drove notable increases in Growth Mindset and technology career experiences.
Analysis of Math, ELA Test Scores at Two Charter Schools by Steve Kramer, 21PSTEM (2018):
Evaluation of PARCC Results at New Jersey School
Key findings include:
- The absolute level of achievement accomplished by the spring of 2017 was noticeably higher than the statewide averages and higher than typical at demographically similar schools.
- Similar positive results were experienced by two racial subgroups: Hispanics and Asians.
- Since implementation, the percent of students scoring at Level 4 (meet expectations) or Level 5 (exceed expectations) has continued to increase.
Evaluation of Smarter Balanced Assessment at New Hampshire School
Key findings include:
During the 2015-16 school year and 2016-17 school year, the MicroSociety Academy Charter School achieved better results on 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade Smarter Balanced math and reading than did demographically similar schools or statewide averages.
Eight Year Analysis of New York MicroSociety School
Steve Kramer, 21st Century Partnership of STEM Education (2015)
Key findings include:
School serving English language learners and low-income immigrants outperformed comparison schools in the district and state in reading and math over an eight year period.
Improved Student Achievement
Hanover Research (2011)
Key findings include:
MicroSociety boosts student achievement, student engagement, student-teacher relationships and community involvement.
Evaluation of Renway MicroSociety
BURST For Prosperity (2010)
Key findings include:
Renway MicroSociety produced statistically significant gains over just nine months in both communication skills, academic expectations, and it enables students to apply what they have learned in the classroom.
Data from 13 MicroSociety and 13 Control Schools
David Kutzik and Associates (2005)
Key findings include:
MicroSociety schools outperformed non-MicroSociety Florida Schools with similar demographics in reading and math. The improvement is statistically significant and increases over time.
School Change and the MicroSociety Program
Cary Cherniss, Ph.D. Corwin Press. (2005)
Key findings include:
A direct correlation exists between the length of time MicroSociety was in place and the degree of student improvement.
The Impact of MicroSociety
Arete Corporation (2003)
Key findings include:
After multiple years of implementation, ELA test scores increased by an average of 7% per year and math test scores increased an average of 10%, far exceeding the Adequate Yearly Progress requirements under the No Child Left Behind Act.
Student Attitude Profits from Real-World Learning
Research for Action & Kutzik Associates (2003)
Key findings include:
Schools participating in Comprehensive School found students highly engaged with a positive attitude toward school and their futures.
Academic Achievement, Civic Engagement and Higher Education Aspirations
Leticia Ibarra (2001)
Key findings include:
A study of 92 randomly-selected Latino high school graduates, were more likely to have higher GPAs and SAT scores and attend a four-year college and to exhibit dispositions of college and career readiness and civic-mindedness than their non-MicroSociety counterparts.
Small Learning Community Initiative
Philadelphia School District (2001)
Key findings include:
Statistically significant improvement in math and reading scores for students within the same school that had MicroSociety as compared with those who did not.
Many Ways to Learn, Succeed
U.S. Department of Education (1999)
Key findings include:
Academic results were particularly impressive for Northwest Regional Educational Lab students with a high rate of poverty, racial/ethnic background, and lack of English proficiency; attendance, behavior and attitude toward school also improved.
U.S. Department of Education
The US Department of Education has cited MSI for its impressive results in serving children whose high poverty, racial or ethnic background, handicap, or English language deficiency place them at a distinct disadvantage for being successful in our society. In every group, MicroSociety students experience improved academic achievement and improved attendance, behavior and attitude toward school. With school as society, our kids are challenged to discover who they are and where they fit in while making academic connections to work that is meaningful to them. The following studies highlight a diverse body of proof that the MicroSociety learning environment elevates student motivation, engagement, academic expectations, civic and social behavior and standardized test scores.
Long Term Results:
- Increased academic achievement
- Improved behavior and reduced violence
- Greater desire to be in school
- Heightened engagement and reduced drop-out rates
- Enhanced citizenship and community engagement
- Preparation for tomorrow’s workforce
- Improved financial literacy
Third-Party Evaluations: While MicroSociety has sought to broaden the definition of “achievement” in schools, to extend beyond performance on standards-based assessments, it has generated a strong track record of impacting student outcomes, as evidenced through both traditional and non-traditional measures.